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The images are done, The story is written, the game mechanics are in place!

We're just play-testing and killing a few more of the obvious  bugs, and we will have a version of the 0.02 update for the BFF's and Family Tiers to help us play-test and find more bugs.  So if you are in one of those tiers, keep checking back throughout the next couple of days to get your download.  Once we feel confident that we've squashed all the bugs we'll do our Patreon release, and a week later to the general public.

This update has been really fun to work on, and I'm really excited to share the new content with everyone!  The only thing about game developing that drives me crazy, is that it is painfully slow.  I've got thousands of ideas bouncing around in my brain, but I could only materialize a handful of them in this update.

I've had a few life events that have slowed this update a little, such as moving over 730 miles, (1175 kilometers) from the US Pacific time zone to the Mountain time zone, a car wreck, and a vacation.  Usually my life isn't that exciting, so hopefully all updates won't be as slow.

We'll keep working hard to get that update completely ready.  I'm even more excited for the release than any of you I'm sure.  Thank you always for all of your support;  the kind words, the patience, the ideas, and the money!  As always we will work as hard as we can to deserve it.


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