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Thanks for being patient during the alpha testing phase of our update release process. We've fixed the most obvious bugs and errors. Let us know if you find any more. Make sure you read the release notes for AFV 0.09_V1-Beta that are included below as a downloadable text file. As is the case with every release, this update represents a lot of work and time. We really try to make this game something we love and enjoy. I hope our passion for this project shines through and that you all enjoy our latest installment of A Family Venture!


AFV_0.09_V1-Beta Release Notes.txt

Just download our game from one of the links below. Unzip the file and launch the game with the exe file in the folder. Enjoy!

PC: GoFile Link

Mac: GoFile Link

Android: GoFile Link

PC: Mega Link

Mac: Mega Link

Android: Mega Link




If I can't download and play the game, why did I pay you the 55 dollars?


I tried both gofile link and the mega link. The Mega link downloaded but no game to play??????


I just checked both links and they are downloading correctly. After downloading you should have a zip file that you need to unpack with a program like winzip or 7zip Then you should have a folder named "AFamilyVenture-0.09_V1-Beta_supporter-pc" When you open that folder the executable to launch the game is called AFamilyVenture.exe I'm assuming you're playing on PC, let me know if you're playing on another platform.