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So, I'm less than an hour away from missing the deadline I placed upon myself, and it's clear to me that I'm not going to make it. I just want you all to know that I tried as hard as I could and put every single minute I could spare into development.

I know throwing out a date was a bit reckless, and many of you will feel disappointed I wasn't able to come through, but I only slightly regret giving a date because the pressure to get it done by that date really pushed me. I'm really close to finishing, and as it stands now, I'm only days away from finishing. To recklessly throw out another date, given my schedule, I think I can have it done before the end of the day this coming Saturday. Once again, I will give everything I possibly can to make this timeline, and my hope is I can release it even sooner.

I've play tested every new scene in the game, and I'm so happy with the way they all came out. I really have to praise Strenif for how well his renders turned out, and the scenes he wrote are really fun! I'm extremely pleased with how the animations turned out, and I love the direction we've taken the story. I'm so excited for you all to play it! I'm just trying to finish up all the stuff that holds the scenes together and make them interact and fire off correctly, and as soon as it's where I feel the average player can make it through the new content without a major game crash, I'll release it to the alpha testers.

Keep your fingers crossed, and hopefully the alpha will be released before next week.


Christopher Johns

Things happen. We would rather it be right. A tease would heal my wounds lol

Martin Papaleo

it is out if you look for free, just so you know, i found it 3 days ago