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Hey all, sorry about missing the game previews post last week! I just released them today, so go check them out.

So, full disclosure... last week I was dealing with a little burnout, The coding can be a bit soul sucking and I ended up wasting a few days that I should have been working on the game doing nothing. But I recovered and have had some really productive days since.  I have also missed a few days that were out of my control due to some family stuff that came up, and I ended up having to go out of state to help a family member.   

If I could give the game my full attention for a handful of full days I think I could wrap everything up. I'm going to try and take a few more sick days off work this week and see if I can't just get it done. I've gotten to where I do this as I get close to finishing every release, and I think if my boss were an AFV fan he could probably piece together my identity by correlating my sick days with AFV releases.

Right now I'm focusing on integrating the scenes Strenif completed with my new scenes and making sure they play nice with the existing ones as well. After that, I'll just need to update the event tracker, and do some personal testing.  I'm so excited to see how it all comes together. I think you'll all be pleased with the content from this update, I think it's our best stuff to date. 

Thank you all for supporting the game! I know supporting a few hobbyist doesn't give you as quick a payout as supporting a professional game studio, but thank you for sticking in there anyways and helping Will Tylor Games get closer to becoming one.  I hope you all have a great week. and hopefully we'll have some good news for you all very soon.  


Glen Noble

When will the game be updated

Danilo Rodrigues

É bom ver o seu trabalho fluindo, você cria um jogo incrível, espero que seus jogadores aumentem a cada dia. No caso do jogo, demore o máximo de tempo possível, por isso peço que sempre nos traga uma boa atualização, abraços