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Zed hunkered down behind his shield.

He channeled as much mana as he could into it until it shone a bright purple. The last thing he wanted to do was get blown sky high.

The gun bucked in Andker’s arms, struck his shoulder with enough force to push it back. The explosive boom of a gunshot filled the air.

When the bullet hit, Zed felt it just as much as he heard it.

· Basic rune [Force shield] has applied effect [Deflect] on [Deviant bullet].

· [Deflect] does not take effect.

That was odd.

If [Deflect] didn’t take effect, how was he still fine?

A realization came to him and panic filled him. He wasn’t the only one behind a shield. He wasn’t the only one Andker had been aiming at.


He looked up and breathed a sigh of relieve when he saw that the old man was fine. But Festus was angry, frowning.

“What the hell have you people made?” Festus said.

His voice was so low that it was clear he was talking to himself. Ahead of them, at the top of the crater, Andker handed the gun to another person.

He said something Zed didn’t hear. But it was safe enough to assume the man was asking his subordinate to load the weapon.

Meanwhile, there was a crack in the force shield. In the crack was a large bullet. Zed stared at it in surprise.

That was fired at me?

It was as large as his fist. It stayed, suspended from falling by the crack in the shield. Zed could see himself easily losing to a bullet of that size.

Festus looked at Zed.

“I don’t see how you intend on saving the Olympian,” he said. “I’m more worried about us saving ourselves. Do you think you can do that thing with the axe again?”

Zed tightened his grip on [Titan’s Axe]. “Shouldn’t be too hard.”

“Good. Because they just keep disrupting anything I throw at them with those shields of theirs. At this rate, I’m going to be out of mana before long.”

That was the last thing Zed needed.

The Olympians couldn’t use any mana right now. And even if they could, they wouldn’t really be of much help. They were all attribute mages with little to no knowledge of runes.

What they needed right now was a way to close the distance between them and the enemy.

Even now, the enemy still kept them on the back foot. The sound of gunshots filled the air as bullets pinged off their force shields. A single notification remained in front of Zed.

· Basic rune [Force Shield] has applied effect on multiple instances of [.50 calibre].

He was glad it had chosen to simply stay rather than spam itself acros his vision. That level of distraction would cost too much.

Zed stepped easily behind Festus. Reading his intentions, Festus extended his shield, spread it wider.

Zed gave a practice swing like a golfer.

“Here goes nothing.”

He stepped forward and swung [Titan’s Axe]. It tore another groove in the ground. It grew as it shot forward, rocks growing on each other like an inverted avalanche.

Some of the others got out of the way, but not all of them found safety. The attack spread as wide as it grew large. Another group was buried under a pile of rubble.

Zed wasn’t sure how exactly what he was doing worked. There was a part of him that suspected it was an effect of the weapon. Swinging an axe into the ground with as much force as he could, was merely supposed to leave a groove in the ground.

So what made this axe different.

When an answer popped up in his head, he almost sighed. It was like a poorly executed plot armor.


Quest: [Mad Max]

· Objective: Survive.

· Reward: [Riot shield] (rune carved).

· Bonus objective passed: Defeat enemies: 9/6.

· Bonus reward: +178 [Exp].

Exp to category 1 Rukh: 1032/5000

Zed frowned at the Exp points. He wasn’t displeased with the growth. He was simply confused. He rarely ever kept track of it but right now he had a feeling he’d gotten more Exp than just the reward.

Had he gotten Exp somewhere along the line that he wasn’t aware of?

Also, he’d buried two groups of people under a land slide and had defeated nine people. His worry was what the notification was interpreting as defeat. Had he rendered nine people unable to fight or had he just killed nine people?

Get it together Zed. It’s kill or be killed. You or them.

He refocused his attention on the fight. “Festus, I’m getting this guy back to safety. Can you hold while I’m gone?”

Festus’ purple shield shone a bit brighter, as if it was meant to be a response. It was reassuring, but Zed could see the beads of sweat slowly accumulating above the old man’s brows.

He doesn’t have much left in him.

Zed bent and scooped Nick off the ground. The Olympian was lighter than he’d expected. Holding him up, Zed hightailed it back to cover.

He slid to a stop behind the cover of the ship and dropped Nick a little less graciously than he would’ve liked.

Jennifer hurried over to Nick’s side. She fussed over him quickly, checked his pulse and his breathing. Checked for injuries.

“Are you two together?” Zed found himself asking.

Jennifer didn’t look up from Nick as she checked his pupils. “I’m his direct command.”

“Wasn’t Ven your direct command, while all of you answered to him?”

Ronda shook her head.

A bullet whizzed past Zed’s head and he ducked lower. Apart from the pain, the bullets didn’t really worry him. But Festus had made an implication that was now constantly on his mind.

What would happen if he got shot in the head?

He wasn’t sure he wanted the answer.

“Maybe I should start looking into helmets?” he muttered.

Jennifer looked up at him. “Why?”

“Nothing serious.”

Zed poked his head out to check on Festus.

Festus was on the defensive. He wasn’t throwing out force blasts any more. He just stood his ground, force shield defending him. But there was something off about the shield. It didn’t look normal. It looked…

Is it bending around him?

Zed studied the fight quickly. Andker stood indomitably at the top of the crater while his men pulled their teammates out of the rubble of rocks Zed had buried them beneath. The ones who were free and not helping were…

Shite, Zed swore.

They were trying to flank them. There were still a few soldiers above, standing with Andker. But the few still coming down the crater were spreading now. It was only a matter of time before they were surrounded.

It was bad. He needed to help Festus somehow.

“Any of you have something useful for crossing a distance very quickly?” he asked Ronda and Jennifer.

Ronda shook her head. “No.”

“Nothing I can think of right now,” Jennifer said.

That was the worst thing he could possibly be hearing at this time. And he couldn’t send them out there to their deaths.

“Wait,” he said, a thought coming to him. “What’s the effect of a bullet on a Rukh mage’s body?”

Jennifer looked at him suspiciously. “Are you trying to send me into that barrage of bullets, husband?”

Zed grinned, cocky. “Maybe, wife?”

He actually wasn’t. He was merely brainstorming through ideas.

“Well…” Jennifer looked thoughtful. “Rukh mage’s can withstand most normal gunshots. But with that amount of bullets, one is bound to get through and hit something vital.”

Zed checked over the cover again. The group was still spreading. They were almost around them now. But there was also something else.

“I don’t think we have to worry much about the bullets,” he said. “I think they are running out.”

True to form, the gunshots weren’t ringing as loud anymore. Though he wasn’t sure if it was a strategy or because the number of men was dwindling.

“So I’m going out,” Jennifer said in a resigned voice.

“It seems so,” Zed said absently, then paused. “Sorry, what?”

“Someone’s got to go out there and make a difference.”

Zed almost laughed. “How much mana can you gather? I saw you get hit really hard back there.”

Jennifer opened and closed her fist testily. “About—”

“Don’t lie to me, love. I’m looking for a working plan, not a sacrificial lamb.” He peeked out the cover and saw something useful. “I know how my fights go, and sacrificial lambs don’t work well in them. You go out there without making a difference and you’ll be as useful as a single biscuit at a buffet.”

Jennifer looked away.

“Yea,” Zed snorted. “Thought as much. Besides, I’ve got an answer of my own. It’s an awesome plan but I don’t like it.”

“Hurry up, Kiddo!” Festus called over his shoulder. “I can’t hold them back much longer.”

Zed wasn’t sure it was a good idea revealing how weak he was when the enemy could hear. Unless its reverse psychology and he’s baiting them to let their guard down.

It was very unlikely.

“How sturdy do you think an Olympian helmet is without being connected to the armor?” he asked.

“Sturdy enough,” Ronda said, but she sounded unsure.

“How many bullets do you think it can take?”

“It’s built from a special metal infused with mana, so a lot.”

“Even if its not connected to the main suit?”

Jennifer frowned. “Powered down, it’s not very strong. It will probably have a few shots before it starts breaking down.”

And I get a headful of bullets.

Zed nodded.

Jennifer’s eyes narrowed at him. “Why?”

“No reason.” Zed’s grip on [Titan’s Axe] relaxed. “Was just wondering what it would take to get through an Olympian armor for the next time I fight one.”

“Less talking and more helping, kid!”

Zed didn’t answer Festus. “Their wearing him down out there, huh.”

He was worried. He knew what he had to do, and knew he could do it. There was just the possibility of making a mistake.

In this kind of situation, he could just as easily die. In the earlier days, he hadn’t really been left with much of a choice, and he hadn’t really considered death.

Now, there was just something different about dying at the hands of another human. Or to bullets, after he’d survived so many things.

“Zed, what are you planning?” Ronda asked, a touch of worry in her voice.

He shot her a smug grin. “Planning not to die.”

Then he burst out of cover with his force shield up and active. A few bullets pinged off it as he ran.

He darted passed Festus, surprising him, but not into the enemy. He ran to the side, chasing after Nick’s Olympian armor. At some point when he’d exited the armor, they’d taken the helmet from his head and it had ended up on the ground.

In the chaos it had been tossed aside.

Zed reached it and snatched it up. Then he eased back, under the barrage of gunshots until he was protected by another part of the ship.

Then he deactivated [Force shield].

He would need all the mana he could get for the plan he was cooking up.

“What do you want to do with that?”

Zed started at the voice, [Titan’s Axe] already swinging when he saw who it was. The blade of the axe stopped before it bit into Kid’s neck.

“By the gods, you almost gave me a heart attack.”

Kid looked down at the axe. “Is your reaction to every surprise taking someone’s head off?”

“Have you seen the world we live in?” Zed lowered [Titan’s Axe]. “These are trying times. Just the other day I saw a potential poop mage.”

Kid looked confused. “Anyway, what are you going to do with that?”

Zed looked at the helmet.

“Honestly,” he said. “I’m not entirely sure, I’m just hoping it works.”

With the face having no visor or anything to look out of, he wasn’t sure how his plan was even going to go.

Outside Festus had all but wrapped himself in his [Force shield]. Zed reminded himself to ask the man how he’d done that. All he could do with his [Force shield] was create it in front of him like a wall.

“Where do I—”

Kid reached forward and pressed a button on the side of the helmet.

The bottom opened up, then the back.

Zed looked inside, then at Kid. “Thanks.”

“I still have no idea what you plan on doing with a helmet,” Kid said.

“Me either.”

Zed studied the inside of the helmet. Unlike outside, there was an actual visor inside. And the rest of the helmet was padded in something soft.

He put his hand inside and tested it. Foam?

It didn’t feel right. With all the technological arrogance of an Olympian armor it would be poor building if it really was foam. He was expecting something more advanced than foam.

“What’s this padding made off?” he asked Kid, pressing the padding.

Kid shrugged. “Same thing every padding’s made of. Foam.”

“Shocking. Sounds like they need to audit the team in charge of the Olympian armors. Someone’s definitely cutting costs somewhere.”

He slipped the helmet on and was met with darkness.

“So how do I activate this?”

“It needs to be connected to the main power if not it won’t come on.”

Zed sighed. He certainly couldn’t rush out there swinging [Titan’s Axe] blindly.

“Well there goes my plan to—”

· Would you like to equip [Olympian Helmet]?

Zed paused. “Alright then, we’re getting somewhere.”

He consented mentally and a new notification came up.

· You have equipped [Olympian Helmet].

· [Olympian Helmet] is a part of a set item. Equip full set to gain full benefits.

· [Olympian Helmet] +5 strength.

· You have gained resistance to head damage.

“Okay, I think I’m getting the hang of this. Now I just have to—”

A sound like the small hum of an instrument filled the space and blue light filled the helmet.

“What did you do?” Kid asked surprised.

Zed felt a sliver of mana leave his core. It channeled itself into his head, and he felt as if something was taking from him. It felt the same way it did whenever he used [Force shield] and kept it active.

“What do you know, I’m like a mini battery.”

The visor came alive and it was as if he wasn’t putting on any helmet. He could see his entire periphery.

“You’d think it’ll give me tunnel vision.”

“How did you do that?” Kid was asking.

Zed shrugged. “I just put it on.” He hefted [Titan’s Axe]. The initial rush of its extra strength stats was already faded. “Now for the risky part of the plan.”

He looked down at Kid who was still staring at him in confusion. “Stay down, alright. Don’t come out unless you see a cow falling.”

“Unless I see a cow falling?”

Zed nodded. “Good man.”

Then he ran out, casting [Force shield].

A small arrow appeared in his vision, pointing off to the left just before a bullet pinged off his shield in that direction.

· Basic rune [Force shield] has applied effect [Deflect] on [.50 calibre bullet].

It even has a threat detection system. That’s video gaming all the way.

He charged past Festus, and into the armed men with a war cry. He deactivated his shield as he did, knowing he would need all his mana for a different purpose.

[Force shield] went down and he took three shots immediately. The small arrow in his visor pointed each shot out before they struck him.

He didn’t stop his charge. He took his pain and ran himself into the group, [Titan’s Axe] swinging.

· You have received [Blunt force] damage.

· You have received [Piercing] damage.

· [Regenerate] is in effect.

He felt [Titan’s Axe] bite into something soft and did his best not to let it distract him even as another notification popped up.

· You have slain [Awakened Mage].

· You have defeated 10/6 enemies.

He turned as another bullet struck him and swung [Titan’s Axe].

Off in the distance, at the top of the crater, there was a loud cry, followed by a purple explosion. Some men flew high and were tossed to the side.

Zed recognized the spell and pumped the axe in the air. “YES!”

He side-stepped a shield bash from an enemy that was too close and buried [Titan’s Axe] in his back.

At the top of the crater, Andker turned to the explosion in anger. “What the hell was that?”

Zed ripped [Titan’s Axe] a little too easily from the enemy and swung it into another. “HE’S A FRIEND FROM WORK!”

He turned and fired off a rune.

· You have cast basic rune [Force].

· Basic rune [Force] has applied effect [Knockback] on [Awakened Mage].

· +58 [Blood mana].

· [Blood mana] required to next [Bloodwrath] activation: 0100/1200.

The notification stunned Zed enough to make him pause, and he took a bullet to the back. He groaned in pain as he staggered forward, then swung [Titan’s Axe].

The weapon struck nothing. He looked around and saw that most of the men in the crater were focused on him. Their guns were trained on him and they gave him a good berth, the distance continuously increasing.

Distance would keep them beyond [Titan’s Axe] reach, and their raised shield would keep them safe from [Force].

But they’d made one big mistake.

The first one revealed itself as a blast of force barreled into three men, tossed from Festus.

The second was that they were unaware of Zed’s extra Strength stat. Most people believe speed was only in how fast a person could move, but they were wrong.

Zed put all his weight into his legs as another explosion of deep purple mana erupted above the crater, then he darted forward.

With his Strength stats, the power of his legs threw him straight into a set of men. He pummeled into them. [Titan’s Axe] swung and another person died.

· You have slain [Awakened Mage].

· You have defeated 11/6 enemies.

As long as he didn’t activate any rune, he was going to be fine until the end of the fight.

Festus blasted another group of men away with a force spell. It reduced the number of bullets piercing Zed. His mana continued to trickle from his core, closing holes slowly and pushing out any bullet that hadn’t had the decency of creating an exit wound.

It slowed him but didn’t stop him. As he slaughtered his way to the top of the crater, things were finally looking up for them.

If he could kill Andker, too, that would be all the good news he needed.

His core just had to outlast the bullets.


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