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This is for all Patrons. I am still working on all the stories I have written and they will continue to be told and released. I just want to inform everyone that there is a high level of demotivation that comes with having to rebuild a backlog. You do your best to recreate the story's path as much as you remember, however, deviations will take place and you will begin to worry, asking yourself if what has become a new story will be as good as what the old backlog had felt like. I know it is not a worry to be taken seriously as I will never know the answer, and worrying about the things I cannot control will simply be terrible for my mental health. That said, I have found that a little side project helps. A little break every once in a while.

Since all I enjoy, even if I am not ultimately very good at it, is story telling, my breaks have led to more story telling

As such, I have nominated all of you, my benevolent helpers, because without you there would be no First Observer. Your mission, should you choose to accept it(Please accept it), is to Beta read the new story I have found myself creating. It has no title, that's how early into it's creation I am, so I'll just call it Another Litrpg. I will appreciate if everybody can come in on it. Criticisms of any and all kinds will be appreciated. Venting, confusion, edits, lack of logic, loop holes, wishfulfillment, everything you all feel makes no sense or makes it a poor story will be appreciated. AND ITS FREE TO READ. Thank you.

P.S. Please comment on every chapter. Even if you think there is nothing bad, let me know the good. This story is bareboned and you all are practically helping me write it.



why not... you have my sword!