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I missed a day, and would like to apologize for the inconvenience it may have caused. As for the reason for the missed day, my place got broken into and robbed. Everything of any importance or use and value of any kind was taken. This chapter update is coming from a colleague's pc. That said, I will do my best to continue with the usual schedule until I can put my house back in order and replace the things I lost while recreating the latest backlogs I was stupid enough to not backup to the best of my abilities. Funds being as tight as they are right now, it might take longer than usual, but I'll do my best to ensure the stories I write do not feel the effect of it. At the worst case scenario, I might have to reduce the release schedule temporarily. If I do this, I promise to be back to the five chapters a week release by October 15, latest. 

Again, my apologies for the inconvenience.

Thank you.


Eivind Aabakken

Wow, that sucks! I'm so sorry Obs. Don't sweat it about the stories, your mental is the highest priority right now. Get your house in order as far as it goes and do whatever's required to get a sense of normalcy back. Everything is going to be okay, eventually.

Marian Ch

Nobody sane is going to blame you if you take a few weeks off to figure out your life mate. Don't go apologising, just take care of yourself first.