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Male Weight Gain CGI Animation


Andrew Zammit

This was pretty good, which could focus more on the growing prisoner


Can you please create another clip and let us see more of the prisoner? It's a bit annoying that we can't actually see his body :/


Like the others said, wish you could see the prisoner more, but would definitely love a part 2 of this ❤️


These are all so good! I do wish we could have a video with a bit more focus on the beginnings of gains - fit and tight and trim to pot bellied and out of shape, with lots of comments and teasing, maybe mutual?? Great work again!!


Loved this!

Holden Scott

Would love some proper voice acting too!!

Chunk Cake Factory

Unless I somehow can find a way to get people in this community to show an interest in doing that. Getting voice actors from the common platforms didn't go well previously. The nature of these videos people refused to do it.