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What type of game do you prefer

  • Sex, sex and more sex, as it happens in the specials. 49
  • A bit more history as it happens in Ero ero no mi 93
  • I don't want new games 2
  • 2024-02-27
  • 144 votes
{'title': 'What type of game do you prefer', 'choices': [{'text': 'Sex, sex and more sex, as it happens in the specials.', 'votes': 49}, {'text': ' A bit more history as it happens in Ero ero no mi', 'votes': 93}, {'text': " I don't want new games", 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 27, 23, 37, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 144}


Already the voting shows that you want a protagonist who conquers girls in a heroic way.

(It also shows that you don't know which harem you want hahaha).

The question now is, what kind of game do you prefer.

Ya la votación muestra que deseáis un protagonista que conquista a las chicas de manera heroica.

(Ademas muestra que no se sabe que harem quieren jajaja)

La pregunta ahora es, que tipo de juego prefieren.

A game 100% focused on sex. sex and more sex. as are the specials.

where the plot would be. save the girl in a couple of pictures, the girl says thank you. you are very heroic, i hope you accept my thanks and sex!!!!!

Un juego 100% enfocado en sexo. sexo y mas sexo. como son los especiales.

en donde la trama seria. salva a la chica en un par de imagenes, la chica te dice gracias. eres muy heroico, espero aceptes mi agradecimiento y sexo!!!

Or one with a small plot like Ero ero no mi.

with less sex. several images between sex scene and sex scene.

in which you save the day, the villain can even give a villain speech.

some girls will take several updates to give you love.

Like Ero ero, remember even Amazons are virgins.

O uno con una pequeña trama como Ero ero no mi.

con menos sexo. varias imagenes entre escena sexual y escena sexual.

en el cual salvas el dia, el villano incluso puede dar discurso de villano.

algunas chicas tardaran varias actualizaciones en darte amor.

Como Ero ero, recuerden aun Las amazonas son virgenes.


AgaMøto ?️

Oye, surgió un error grande con ero ero, cuando tengas tiempo mándame mensaje por discord


I Hope that this is a close one , Maybe we could get a mix of a bit of a both ? As a good compromise since we are a little divided lol 😅