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What type of protagonist do you most enjoy playing?

  • Slavery/Esclavista 5
  • Brave hero/Heroe valiente 9
  • Hero of the magic penis/Heroe del magico pene. 3
  • none/ninguno 0
  • 2024-02-26
  • 17 votes
{'title': 'What type of protagonist do you most enjoy playing?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Slavery/Esclavista', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Brave hero/Heroe valiente', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Hero of the magic penis/Heroe del magico pene.', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'none/ninguno', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 26, 20, 54, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 17}


The images are illustrative only. It does not mean that the appearance of the character is the one in the image.

Nor that these girls are his girls.

Aclaracion las imagenes son solo ilustrativas. no significa que el aspecto del personaje sea el de la imagen.

Ni que esas chicas sean sus chicas

The survey will be conducted only for patreons and also for the general public.

La encuesta se realizara solo para patreons y tambien para todo publico.


You have the power, and you use it to your advantage.

The girls are your property and will accept your every command.

because they belong to you.

And it's better to belong to you than to belong to some other, even worse wretch.

Some of them are even happy to serve you.

and will help you get more pretty servants.


Tienes el poder, y lo aprovechas a tu beneficio.

las chicas son tu propiedad y aceptaran todas tus ordenes.

ya que te pertenecen.

y es mejor pertenecer a ti. que pertenecer  a otro desgraciado aun peor.

Algunas incluso son felices de poderte servir.

y te ayudaran a conseguir mas lindas sirvientas.

Brave hero.

You are the savior. The hero.

Who was sent to save this world from darkness.

The girls logically fall in love with you. Others feel grateful, so they want to repay you in some way.

The villains will ask for forgiveness on their knees and in other ways.

Heroe valiente.

Eres el salvador. El heroe.

Quien fue enviado a salvar este mundo de la oscuridad.

Las chicas logicamente se enamoran de ti. otras por su parte se sienten agradecidas, por lo que desean pagarte de alguna forma.

Las villanas por su parte. pediran perdón de rodillas y de otro tipo de maneras.

Hero of the magic penis.

it's simple. girls fall head over heels in love with your member.

they will do anything for you. more or less, more like anything for your penis.

Your only duty is to please them with your cock.

Heroe del magico pene.

es simple. las chicas se enamoran perdidamente de tu miembro.

haran todo por ti. mas o menos, mas bien todo por tu pene.

tu unico deber. complacerlas con tu pene



Dang, can I like, vote for all three? 😂


I voted for 2 different ones, one ineach survey you posted. I couldn't choose just one

Rikou Hogashi

I'll stick with Brave Hero thanks also the 3rd option is just Ero Ero No Mi again and 1st is rather boring and disgenuine