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Apparently someone reported the publication of Nami's card.

So I had to put it on patreons only.

My intention was to share it with everyone, but unfortunately someone reported it.

now i will be more careful with what i post.

I am saddened that they would denounce a publication (to top it off at this time which is not good on a personal level).

I just hope they don't report anything else

al parecer alguien reporto la publicación de la tarjeta de Nami.

Por lo cual eh tenido que ponerla en solo para patreons.

mi intención era compartirla con todos. pero lamentablemente alguien la denuncio.

ahora tendré mas cuidado con lo que publico.

Me entristece que denunciaran una publicación (para colmo en este momento que no es bueno a nivel personal)

solo espero no denuncien nada mas



please be careful, Whiteleaf Studio had the same problem and he had to migrate to Subscribe Star (excuse my english but i'm french)


I hope this does not happen, since I have searched today to create a subscriber account and there is no possibility of receiving the money in my country.


Que mal 💔