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Kraguto Original girls

  • Valeska 73
  • Mama/Mom/Kuristi 139
  • Eva 16
  • Archangel of lust 12
  • Kaleska 12
  • Scarlet 19
  • School principal 11
  • Mika 31
  • Mimi 45
  • Momo 33
  • Elf Queen 20
  • Demon Lady 18
  • Irina Elfi 14
  • Valeska yers ago 28
  • 2024-01-06
  • 471 votes
{'title': 'Kraguto Original girls', 'choices': [{'text': 'Valeska', 'votes': 73}, {'text': 'Mama/Mom/Kuristi', 'votes': 139}, {'text': 'Eva', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Archangel of lust', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Kaleska', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Scarlet', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'School principal', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Mika', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Mimi', 'votes': 45}, {'text': 'Momo', 'votes': 33}, {'text': 'Elf Queen', 'votes': 20}, {'text': 'Demon Lady', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Irina Elfi', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Valeska yers ago', 'votes': 28}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 6, 21, 44, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 471}


here is a small presentation of the girls created by me. they are not from any anime, series, comic, video game etc.
Also, which one is your favorite? or maybe you don't like any of them?
aqui una pequeña presentacion de las chicas creadas por mi. que no son de ningun anime, serie, comic, videojuego etc
Ademas, cual es vuestra favorita? o quizas no os gusta ninguna?

Valeska (Tales of a Dream life)

Dragona Quien takes us to the world of Tales of a dream life. 

She loses her virginity to you and loves you unconditionally.

In addition, each of you meets a different version of Valeska.

So my Valeska loves only me, just as each of you Valeska loves only her hero (i.e. you).

Dragona Quien nos lleva al mundo de Tales of a dream life. 

Pierde su virginidad contigo y te ama incondicionalmente.

Ademas, cada uno de vosotros conoce a una version distinta de Valeska.

Por lo que mi Valeska, solo me ama a mi, al igual que la Valeska de cada uno de vosostros, solo ama a su heroe (osea a ti)

Mama/Mom/Kuristi (Ero ero no mi)

Mighty Pirate. rumors say that even before her son (Tu) was born. He was able to face the admirals and the most powerful pirates.

Recently she was reunited with her little treasure (not so little anymore).

And this time she will not allow herself to be separated from what she loves most in life.

Poderosa Pirata. los rumores dicen que incluso antes de que su hijo (Tu) naciera. Era capaz de enfrentarse a los almirates y los mas poderosos piratas.

hace poco volvio a reunirse con su pequeño tesoro (ya no tan pequeño)

Y esta vez no permitirá que la separan de lo que mas ama en la vida

Eva (Tales of a dream life)

Mother of men.
Madre de los hombres.

Archangel of lust (Tales of a dream life)

One of the most powerful Angels and perhaps the most clumsy.

He mistakenly created the world of Tales of a dream life and you are his only hope to fix his mistakes.

Unos de los Angeles mas poderosos y quizas la mas torpe.

creo por error el mundo de Tales of a dream life y tu. eres su unica esperanza para que arregle sus errores

Kaleska (Tales of a dream life )

A dragon with almost infinite power. 

Years ago she was betrayed by men (humans, men and women in general), so she hates them. How will she react when she discovers that her daughter has fallen madly in love with you? .....

Dragona con un poder casi infinito. 

Hace años fue traicionada por los hombres(Humanos, hombres y mujeres en general). por lo que los odia. como reaccionara cuando descubra que su hija se ah enamorado perdidamente de ti.....

Scarlet (Felings of love)

Your small, delicate and tender childhood friend. Now, a beautiful girl.
Tu pequeño, delicado y tierno amigo de la infancia. Ahora, una chica hermosa

School Principal (Felings of love)

Behind her beautiful and imposing figure, she hides a past full of pain, pain that she wishes her students would not have to face.

Detras de su figura bella eh imponente, se esconde un pasado lleno de dolor. dolor el cual desea que sus alumnas no tengan que enfrentar.

Mika (Ero ero no mi)

Mimi (Ero ero no mi)

Momo (Ero ero no mi)

They suffered for many years, they had to be villains to protect themselves, but you gave them freedom.

something that has made all three of them have feelings for you.

Can you bring them to happiness?

Sufrieron durante muchos años, tuvieron que ser villanas para protegerse. pero tu les brindaste la libertad.

algo que ah hecho que las tres tengan sentimientos para contigo.

tu, podras llevarlas a la felicidad?

Elf Queen (Sexisekai/Tales of a dream life)

Demon lady (Sexisekai/Tales of a dream life)

Irina Elfi (Tales of a dream life or Ero ero no mi?)

A noble soul. A real, sincere and true love.

(In addition, his eyes never had the gift of vision).

Un alma noble. un amor real, sincero y verdadero.

(Adicional, sus ojos nunca contaron con el don de la vision)

Valeska years ago (Tales of a dream life)

Tender, playful and lethal. already at the age of xx she showed great power. 

Tierna, juguetona y letal. ya a sus xx años mostraba un gran poder. 


AgaMøto ?️

Aaaa, estás haciéndonos escojer entre oro, que difícil


So far Valeska still my favourite.