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I have a nice surprise. in a few hours will be uploaded the game Lessons of love and lust more exactly the first 7 chapters yes, 7 chapters. all thanks to Sam.  who asked me to share with you this visual novel that has been created with his sponsorship. Nami, Robin, Mina Ashido, Momo, Sakura, Sarada, Hinata, Hinata slut, Hinata Milf. Tsunade, Hestia and many more will be part of your harem. in a story with a touching script, worthy of a porn movie... more than 3 gigas of sex scenes.

Windows Linux MEGA
Android             MEGA
MAC                  MEGA
debido a que el juego lo traduje al ingles originalmente. aun no esta en español. en un futuro lo estara


Tom Ristenbieter

is this really the end, not big pregnant harem ending or so? disappointed


the game continues and has many scenes of pregnant girls. but remember that it is a sponsored game, so in order to publish it, I must have authorization from the sponsor. the harem is huge. many beautiful girls are in it.