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when you rescue your mother, you will have to choose who to marry? because you won't tell your mother, look there are your daughters-in-law, will you? 

wait you want a harem.... well... maybe or maybe after dressrosa you want to go looking for Carrots, then candy and maybe visit Japan to find very sexy girls. well that's what i hope too xd

cuando rescates a tu madre, deberás elegir con quien casarte? por que a tu madre no le dirás, mira hay tus nueras o si? 

espera quieres un harem.... bueno... quizás o quizás luego de dressrosa quieres ir a buscar Zanahorias, luego dulces y quizás visitar Japón para encontrar chicas muy sexys. pues eso es lo que yo tambien espero xd



I want all mommy's in one piece 🥺😭💖💖💖💖💖 please Mr kraguto make more