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the boy who loved girls with a pretty heart (it is not yet clear that this is the name).

in the year 2022 an alternative version of Tales of a dream life will be released. although as you can see in the image, the "girls" that will appear, will be different from the original Tales, it won't be something so big and with so much content. but i decided that these pretty girls, Femboys or traps, whatever you want to call them, deserved their own story.

the content will be as follows.

male protagonist, who will be the one to give love to the Traps characters, femboy. 

since these games are always about the protagonist becoming the one who receives. i must warn that here that will not happen, since it will be like Tales only with trap/femboy girls (more vulgarly speaking, it will be only penetration by the protagonist to the girls, since they consider themselves as girls and the protagonist considers them as girls) and i will try to treat with the greatest respect to the Traps/femboys characters (which will be treated as girls and in a loving way, since our protagonist is after their hearts).

el chico que amaba  a las chicas de un lindo corazón (aun no esta definido que ese sea el nombre)

en el año 2022 saldrá una versión alternativa de Tales of a dream life. aunque como podrán ver en la imagen, las "chicas" que aparecerán, serán distintas a las de el Tales original, no sera algo tan grande y con tanto contenido. pero decidi que estas lindas chicas, Femboys o traps, como quieran llamarlas, merecian su propia historia.

el contenido sera el siguiente.

protagonista masculino, quien sera el que dara amor a los personajes Traps,femboy. 

dado que siempre estos juegos tratan de que el prota se convierte en quien recibe. debo advertir que aquí eso no sucederá, ya que será como Tales solo que con chicas trap/femboy (mas vulgarmente hablando, sera solo penetración por parte de el protagonista a las chicas, ya que además ellas se consideran a si  mismas como chicas y el protagonista las considera chicas) y que intentare tratar con el mayor respeto a los personajes Traps/femboys. (los cuales serán tratados como a chicas y de una manera amorosa, ya que nuestro protagonista va por sus corazones)



I am very excited for this👍


I will try to do something different from what they always do with this type of content, as it is usually the main character who receives or treats the girls badly. the story will treat the trap/femboy girls like girls and the protagonist will go for their hearts, also for other more intimate things, but mainly for their hearts.