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(i'm trying 5000000 to get the deelp translator to work) i'm still alive. my internet will be back fine by the weekend. so if nothing bad happens i'll have the update done by sunday and upload it on monday.

so if nothing bad happens i will have the update done by sunday and upload it on monday. sorry for the absence. i know i have been missing for a long time. but of course he hates me and i hate them. my consolation is that nami has no more budget for clothes. plus our character has found a clue to where his mother might be. (in 0.3 we could have our beloved mother again. i know what you are thinking, incestuous perverts..... is more for your enjoyment. i will make it so that we can name the mother after ourselves, so if you want to snu snu with a beautiful woman named after your mother. now you can fulfill your dream. )P.S. I can't load images, I can barely see a message or two. I'll be back in shape from next Monday (I hope so, if not I'll take advantage of the gamines' rampages and steal a bank, go live in a forest with satellite internet, hire a beautiful Japanese girl and from there I'll work on undressing Nami and Robin).


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