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Discord Channel  

If you want to ask me something, suggest something or complain about something, you can visit the official discord and if you want to do it in a more private way, you can write me a message and I will answer when I can.

also you can even ask for images of your waifus and if there is time I will create one for you.

You can also use this post to ask any questions and I will be happy to answer them.

Si desean preguntarme algo, sugerirme algo o quejarse de algo. pueden visitar el discord oficial y si desean hacerlo de manera mas privada, pueden escribirme un mensaje. que cuando pueda respondere.

ademas incluso pueden pedir imagenes de sus waifus y si hay tiempo les creo una

Tambien pueden usar este post para preguntar cualquier cosa y con gusto os respondere.



Kraguton cual es tu nick? te mando una solicitud de amistad Claro solo si quieres

Devesh Hadal

Do you like to try things? Cuz most of the people only demand ero ero, LOLAL or TODL


I want to see if they want something else. i'm sure if it was like naruto... before you think bad. i'm not talking about wanting an emo. i'm talking about being able to make clones hahaha. and i could create 10 games. no one would complain about it.