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It came down to a difference of just ONE vote, but Barrage will be the next game I teach. For those who were hoping for Beyond The Sun, since it got second place it will live to see another poll. For now, I've got some final edits to do before uploading John Company. Thanks for voting!



Salman Qaisar

THANK GOD! I might FINALLY get my friends to play Barrage! None of the rules videos I can find explain it well. It needs a bit of the Shea magic 😀

Salman Qaisar

Here are my suggestions for you to consider: 1) Because of the complexity of the game, instead of the usual "here's a list of actions you can do on your turn" approach that is sometimes appropriate, it might be better to start with explaining how water and electricity production work. Once that's understood, you can work backwards to explain the buildings needed for power generation. That will lead back to the labour wheel. Then finally, you can tall about the actions and how they lead to all the above. None of this will make sense if you know nothing about Barrage, but once you read the rules and importantly, played the game, maybe come back to my suggestions. 2) Also you might want to watch some of the tutorials already out there, so that you know what NOT to do, since none of them are great. 3) It is probably worth repeating important information several times, in different ways, to help it sink in. 4) Finally, if you could make the video under 15mins, it's much easier to send to friends before game night. Hope some of these help you. Good luck! Salman