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Hey everyone! Just like last time, there was a ridiculous amount of variety in the suggestions! This time though, there were two leaders of the pack, so those definitely secured a spot. I'm also going to pick two editor's choice games because there were so many great options that I just can't help myself. As always, the poll will run for two weeks, you can vote for as many games as you like, and the 2nd place game will reserve a spot on the next poll.

Beyond the Sun - The second place game from the last poll was a surprise for me, though certainly a welcome one. This game takes one of my favorite aspects of 4x and Civ-style games, the tech tree, and expands it into a fully fledged game of its own. Add to that a space theme and a lot of variety in setup and factions and you've got me well past interested. There's also an expansion and I'd love to cover that as well.

Barrage - One of the two most suggested games was also on the poll last time and got a respectable third place. Let's see how Barrage, a heavy euro about establishing hydroelectric supremacy, will fare this time. While I haven't played it, this game has quite the reputation for being cutthroat and unforgiving, two things that greatly increase the need for a solid teach before playing. There are also some expansions out there, so I'd definitely try to teach those as well.

Frosthaven - I've been wondering how long it would be before this made it to a poll. The Gloomhaven tutorial is my most watched video of all time, so I'd happily return to this incredibly popular dungeon crawl. However, I would do this one a little different. Since much of the mechanics, especially combat, are the same between games, and since there are a few other good tutorials out there already, I would probably teach this game from the perspective of a Gloomhaven player looking to upgrade. That way I can focus solely on the new stuff without wasting any time.

Federation - My first editor's choice is a game I haven't even played, but I'm absolutely charmed by the concept and the color scheme. Hegemony is a game about competing to join a Federation of species (like that one you've heard of) through a multiuse worker placement mechanic. While I don't know much about it, I know that Rahdo really really liked it, and he's played a game or two, so I feel like he knows what he's talking about.

Last Light - My second editor's choice is a game that has been getting a lot of buzz lately, and I think it is entirely deserved. I know we now have three space games on the poll, but I just couldn't let this one slip by. Last light is a 4x game about civilizations surviving a dying universe by collecting the last bits of light in existence. But more importantly, this is game that claims to be a 4x game in an hour and actually backs that up. I played this back when it was still being developed and I already knew it was going to be great, so I'd love to teach this one.

But what do you think? Let me know which game(s) you want me to cover!



Would love to see a rules video on Federation, its a great game that hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves!


I'm puzzled at all of the votes for BtS w/the expansion. It's a pretty simple game to learn from the rule book.


A game doesn't need to be super complicated for people to prefer learning from a video. And I think some people like these tutorials as a way to find out or show friends who want to know if the game will be right for them.