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It's been on the poll a few times now, but Food Chain Magnate has finally won! I haven't played a lot of Splotter games (though I did just play Horseless Carriage, more on that in the next newsletter), but I've been interested in this one for a long time. I'm going to contact SS for a review copy, but it looks like the expansion might be out of print, so if any of y'all have a copy that you won't mind lending out, I'd happily pay for shipping. Just send me a message and we'll work it out if we need to.

Thank you all for voting! John Company 2nd Edition got second place, so that'll have a guaranteed spot in the next poll. 




very excited to see this!


also very curious about the takes on horseless carriage - i tried to teach it to myself and found it almost unfathomable


It took a while. A person I played it with described it as the most complex Splotter game he's played. There's a lot of interesting mechanics and gameplay in there, but yeah it's a beast. Still kinda figuring out how I feel about it.


Just played today. The Milestones from Ketchup seem a lot better than the base. Didn't play anything else from the expansion though.