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Hey folks, I've had a weirdly busy month and didn't get a ton of chances to play games, but there were a few cool things that happened. First off is that I got to participate in Girls' Game Shelf's latest board game cosplay shoot. It was a very silly project, but it was a ton of fun to make. I can't actually see out of it, but it'll probably stay on my shelf for quite some time.

I had a bit of a lull with Rahdo videos since last update. I'll be putting out more pretty soon, but in the meantime I'd love it if you all checked out Inventure Quest. It's a delightful little storytelling game that blends RPG style narratives with a simple party game mechanic that works well even with only two players. It's not particularly deep, but it's a great lightweight/gateway game for RPG's or storytelling in general, and it would probably work really well for families too. It's kinda struggling on kickstarter at the moment, and I'm hoping it rallies because I think people would definitely enjoy it.

Not board games related, but a show that I recently watched that I think is worth everyone's time is Infinity Train. I saw the pilot a few years ago when it was released on youtube, but had basically forgotten about it by the time it aired. Now all three seasons are available on HBO Max and, while navigating the different forms of HBO is understandably confusing, if you can figure it out, I highly recommend watching this show. It's got wonderful characters, a unique story, and it's not afraid to explore some darker themes (while still primarily being an all-ages show). It's really good and I watched it all in two days. Go check it out.

I'm currently finishing up the script for Nemesis, so I'll film that soon and have it up by the end of the month. In the meantime, in case anyone didn't see, the poll for the next game I'll teach is currently up, so make sure you vote on that! There's some very good looking games this time around and I'm excited to cover whichever gets picked. As always, thank you all for donating, it blows my mind that I get to do this for a living and you are a very big part of that.



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