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Hey folks, sorry for the extreme tardiness on this newsletter. I've been on a few short back to back vacations, which, though very nice, have borked my schedule a little bit more than I'd prefer. I have been getting a few playthroughs of Star Wars Rebellion in and I'm very excited to start working on the script. I don't play a lot of wargames, so the asymmetry (especially in the beginning, as the above image shows) is fascinating. I've managed to win as both the empire and the rebellion, though luck had a good amount to do with both of those. Especially as my rebellion strategy ended up being turtleturtleturtle!

Not much more to talk about for now. This month there'll be a How To Teach coming out and the Top 5 Space Games video that I filmed once, decided was not up to snuff, and so will be filming again to make sure it's good enough for you fine folks to enjoy. I expect the next newsletter will have a big announcement, but I don't want to get ahead of myself.

Oh hey, did any of y'all go to Gen Con? How was it? What's the new hotness out there?



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