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Hey folks, got a fresh batch of games to choose from for the next video. This is also the first time I'm incorporating suggestions from the Rules Lawyers and y'all did not disappoint. I got a lot of great suggestions, but a couple got boosted a bit more than others, so those have a guaranteed spot.

Arkham Horror 3rd Edition: First up is our 2nd place game from last poll. It feels like this game hasn't gotten a ton of traction, and for the life of me I can't see why. Lovecraft games are still pretty popular and this one seems to be an excellent new edition in the Arkham Horror series. It's got a ton of changes from 2nd edition that I'd love to dive into. 

Sidereal Confluence: Next is the suggestion with the top votes, and I gotta say, this one intimidates me a little bit. I've only seen pictures of this economic management game so far and it certainly seems like a mammoth of a game, but if there was ever a title that needed the RTFM treatment, it might be this one. Plus it pings a lot of my favorite weird sci-fi tropes, not the least of which being ridiculously unpronounceable names (I'm looking at you Kt'zr'kt'rtl Adhocracy)

Cerebria: There were a lot of games tied for second place in terms of likes, but this one got posted twice and had another like on the second post, so I'm going to call that a tiebreaker. I admit I don't know much about this game, other than the fact that it's gorgeous. Seriously, click on that link and take a look, it's beautiful. It's also a game where players use objectives and area control to affect a personality, which is a theme that I would love to wrap myself up in.

Star Wars Rebellion: This suggestion may not have been high in the ranks but it's going to be my editor's choice for this poll. I've been interested in playing Rebellion for a long time, and while I'm not trying to compete with Rodney, the fact that Watch it Played hasn't done a tutorial for this game has become something of recurring joke in the board game community, so I wouldn't mind taking a stab at it.

Thank you all for voting and to the Rules Lawyers for all of your suggestions. This poll will be up for two weeks, so make sure to get your votes in, and feel free to vote for multiple games that you'd like to see. 2nd place will return next time around.



I think I like anything with Star Wars in the title


TBH, I think guides like this are most important for games where 'showing by doing' is near impossible, such as Star Wars Rebellion. Asymetric games like Rebellion, Root, War of the Ring, (To name a few) makes it difficult to teach new players by example.


Sidereal Confluence would be good since nobody has done a "how to play" for it. Since most of it is in real-time and each faction has different quirks, it's pretty tough to teach at the table. That said, a good how to for rebellion would be good too. Haha.

Salman Qaisar

Looking forward to any of these, Rebellion preferably:-)


I threw Sidereal in there because it's sitting on my shelf and I'm too afraid to crack it open. Similar to when I first bought TI4 & found your channel. That being said, the massive IP & popularity of Rebellion will have to win out here. Even if it's one of the easier one's to jump into


As a huge Lovecraft-boardgamer, I think the problem with Arkham Horror (which I haven't played) suffers by being the middle ground of Eldritch Horror, a similar game with a larger, global scale and the Arkham Horror card game which is a much more fast paced and has branching stories.


Rebellion, there aren't a ton of super entertaining how to videos out there