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Hey folks, a lot of stuff has been happening this month and it looks like the future will be very busy, so I hope you all are here for it. I want to thank everyone who filled out that Patron survey I sent out a few weeks ago (if you haven't yet, you still can here). It was very enlightening and I will use that info to make some changes over the next few months. The first being that the strategy videos will no longer be exclusive to Patrons. At least, not entirely. From now on strategy videos will be available for $5+ backers only for the first 30 days, after which they will be posted publicly for everyone. All of the strategy videos that have been posted already will remain exclusive though.

The next big change is that I'm going to start uploading videos more often. I can't afford to do more rules videos just yet, but I'm starting a new series about how to teach games to your friends that should be debuting this weekend. I've learned a lot doing RTFM and I'm hoping it'll be helpful to pass some of that on to you.

Also, some of you posted some really kind words on that survey and I want to make sure you know that they really meant a lot to me. I'm very thankful for all of you, whether you're just sticking around until the first payment or you're in it for the long haul. You folks are making this possible.

Getting back on track, I've also been working on the upcoming Root video by...well, by playing a lot of Root. In doing so, I've noticed two things. First is that I am not very good at winning Root. I'm great at getting 2nd place, but in the seven or so games I've played this last month, I've only won one of them. C'est la vie. The other thing I've learned is that it is almost impossible to take a bad picture of this game.

It's very pretty is what I'm getting at.

I've got a few more projects in the works as well, but they're not quite ready to announce yet. Just know that there's big stuff coming this year. I for one am very excited.



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