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Hey folks, lots to talk about this month. First off, I filmed the Captain Sonar tutorial! Here's a quick peek at how we set up for the inserts (that's Amir, my headless cameraman, on the side)

And since it's going to be a pretty quick video I decided to add some goofy stuff to it with the help of my friends The Brothers Murph. It shouldn't take too long to edit that one, so I might actually be able to get it up early and start working on the next video, which looks like it'll be Gloomhaven (no surprises there). I've been playing the heck out of Gloomhaven, as well as realizing how finicky the rules for that game can be, so I've definitely got my work cut out for me on that video.

As for everything else that's been going on, I went to Strategicon this month! It's a local game convention here in LA and I was volunteering at the Party Games HQ. Mostly I was answering questions and delivering sign in sheets, but I also got to run demos for Sparkle*Kitty Nights, which is an innuendo filled version of the very silly game Sparkle*Kitty. If you want to learn more about that, I wrote a feature on it for Geek and Sundry, which you can read here.

On top of that I got to hang out with the Murphs and my other friend Christina Aimerito, who runs Girls Game Shelf, which I highly recommend. We've all known each other for a while now but had never all been in the same room together at once, so we decided to get photographic evidence of it. Of course, Christina doesn't believe in reshoots, so we're stuck with this blurry mess

I also got to try out a few new (to me) games. World's Fair 1893 was an interesting area control (?) game with some set collection and it was good but I didn't love it. It did however have the biggest flip from "I don't know what's going on" to "I know exactly what's going on and exactly why I'm going to lose" that I've ever experienced in a game. Fun. Also tried out Dice Forge, which has you adapting the faces of the dice you roll while...earning money and getting points. I wish there was more game attached to it, but it's very pretty and who doesn't love rolling dice. 

I also played a game called Alien Artifacts, which I didn't know anything about before trying, and I am so conflicted about it. It bills itself as a 4x game that plays in an hour, so I was very interested to try it out. Here's the thing, the game doles out really good and really bland ideas in equal measure. The visual design is a good example. Each player chooses a different faction with a slightly different focus and personality. Some of which are wonderfully unique and full of personality

others are...less so

and the game is filled with stuff like that. You invent technology, settle planets, and build ships (all of which are done with cards), but only the technologies are unique, and some are very powerful. It becomes frustrating because they cost the same as the rest and some factions are better with tech, but that being said, finding these powerful tech combos is still really fun. I can't recommend buying the game, but I can say that if you have the chance, try it out for yourself. Also each faction board has a male and female side, which I always think is a classy move for games. Argh! So conflicted!

Lastly, if you want to watch me play a game that hasn't even come out yet, I streamed a game of Blue Lagoon (as well as QueenDomino) with the Bros Murph this week, and you can watch it right here. It's a euro point salad kinda game but it's very quick and very pretty. And if that kind of thing is your jam, check it out when it releases.

If you've tried any of these games or want more info, let me know and we can talk about it.

And lastly lastly, I did put a few good dents in my 10x10 challenge, though I'm starting to think that a few of my choices were a little too optimistic. Anyway, here it is.

Dead of Winter - 0

Castles of Mad King Ludwig - 1

Eldritch Horror - 4

Spirit Island - 5

Race for the Galaxy - 6

Star Realms - 7

Pandemic Legacy Season 2 - 2

Above and Below - 0

Cosmic Encounter - 0

Splendor - 3


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