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Hey everyone! I've been pretty quiet on this site since last month but that's just because I've been hard at work getting the next episode ready. I filmed it a few days ago and will have it ready to go by the end of March. To give you a small behind the scenes peek at what the filming process looks like, here's what I'm looking at when I'm on camera. That's my homemade teleprompter in front of the camera, Amir behind the camera, and just enough of the game on the table to make it look like I'm playing.

 Everything else in my apartment gets pushed to the side, hence the row of chairs. And because I want to make the background look clean, I have to hide all of my other stuff behind the couch, so here's what that ends up looking like.

So Above and Below will come out in March, but in the meantime, make sure to vote for the next game. As of right now, Spirit Island is just barely ahead of Captain Sonar. I'd love to teach either of them so let me know what you'd prefer by voting in the poll.

I'll keep this short, but I do want to mention that I got to try out a prototype for Edge of Darkness, which is on Kickstarter right now, and it's pretty great. It's also pretty expensive for the full version, so I can't exactly say it's worth it, but it's a very good game. If you haven't heard about it, go check it out. (full disclosure, I also wrote an article about it for Geek and Sundry, which you can read here if you want)

And lastly I'll update you on my 10x10 challenge. It's not doing great for some games, while Star Realms is the clear leader for what I'll finish first.

Dead of Winter - 0

Castles of Mad King Ludwig - 1

Eldritch Horror - 2

Spirit Island - 2

Race for the Galaxy - 3

Star Realms - 5

Pandemic Legacy Season 2 - 2

Above and Below - 0

Cosmic Encounter - 0

Splendor - 1


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