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Presenting the winner of the August poll in her exclusive set, Back Cat! Before she was nominated and won, she was actually my next personal project. I've been wanting to draw her in an update to the time she got captured by Ock and Smythe in the Spider-Man animated series from the 90s. The bindings and gag were really weak in the show, but it was still serviceable, lol.

A superheroine and supervillain DID dynamic is always so easy to dump exposition with, with the "villain explains their plan" trope. But tropes are tropes for a reason, they work well!

If you haven't already, please start nominating for next month's poll. I have to take a break from work with more work and get ready for our move. I'll have another piece or too incoming for this month though.

I feel I should be able to fully enjoy the shift in workload with this new system to the exclusives, starting next month. But so far, I like how the amount of time it's freed up for me to do other projects and help avoid burn out.




Looking awesome!