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Currently in progress is Apex Legend's Loba and afterwards the next exclusive, Yennefer kept secured in the Aretuza torture chair. Next 12 days is going to be a heavy crunch for me. So, I thank those of you in my commission waitlist for your patience. This is why the tier updates are happening next month, lol.

Those who want to nominate a damsel to be in the poll for next month's damsel, if you haven't yet, please message me or comment down below on your nomination. So far, we have:

Sadu Dotharl (FFXIV)
Ivy (Soul Calibur)
Saheel Rai (Magic TCG)
Katarina (LoL)
Elizabeth (Bioshock)
Sage (Valorant)
Raven (DC)
Ashe (LoL)
Piper Wright (Fall Out 4)
Kurumi Tokisaki (Date-A-Live)

I will not be doing an official continuation of the AFK series for February, due to the new tier later this month (In which it can be requested there) and if enough people vote for one of the two top spots for this poll, I can continue it that way. It's up to the majority vote.




well I for one plan to join the new tier and I will be requesting more league damsels


Carmen Sandiego[Netflix's Carmen Sandiego]