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      I don't remember how long it's been. How long I've been kept like this. But I do remember, that I never should have trusted him.  The Hatter. I helped him reclaim his domain from former allies turned enemies,  once I had returned to Wonderland. I had a gut feeling something was off once I had finished his errand. I remember looking over the broken landscape that was returned to him, then suddenly, my face was meet with a ether soaked rag. Then fading darkness.

I don't recall much after that. Only bits and pieces of experiences when I regain consciousness. I'm not even sure if any of my recollections, are in any sort of chronological order. The only thing I'm certain of is I'm a prisoner to this madness. Tightly bound in ropes and chained to the same boulder, whose wild fungi is what's being concocted to help keep me drugged and sedated. 



I slowly woke up to the sound of clinking chain links. My body felt tight, not just from my bonds, but also from being in what was seemingly a compact position for a long period of time. I softly muttered to who or what ever can hear me, "W-what's going on?". Only followed by silence and the sensation of my stocking on my right foot being torn. I craned my neck behind me as much as my bindings allowed and I saw it. One of the Hatter's, greasy, half organic, half mechanical abominations sliding it's slimy, fleshy tongue along the sole of my foot. It was warm and sensuous, gliding across each groove and between my toes leaving behind a moist trail that quickly caught the coolness in the air.  Like an excited child with a lollipop in each hand, it would alternate between licking my barefoot and my boots, even the one removed.  It would put my ankles and half my feet in it's mouth where, even through my boot, I would feel the licking intensify. This thing, is WORSHIPING my feet and boots! Basking in a euphoria of a fetish fulfilled and savoring the flavor of my feet, apparently. Were it in a different circumstance, I dare say, I would have enjoyed all of this.



Finally, the Hatter! He has a lot to answer for. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH ME?! WHY DID YOU DOUBLE-CROSS ME?! ANSWER M--MMPHHH!!!", my rage quickly silenced as the Hatter's minions, stuffed my mouth with that odd looking mushroom and sealed up my mouth repeatedly with what looked like grey adhesive strips? I've never seen anything like it before. It must be one of the Hatter's many inventions or trinkets. What ever it is, it's stuck fast on my skin. I can't open my mouth at all or mutter a word.

Amazement aside, my rage quickly returned as the Hatter took steps toward me.  He poshly bowed forward to meet my gaze, tilted my wrapped chin up slightly with his long crooked finger. An absolute  look of conceit in his eyes as he drolls, "Oh dear sweet Alice, you'll be joining us for Tea here in Wonderland, forever and ever, and ever..." My eyes bulged in fury and surely as I was lunging to acquaint his haughty nose with my forehead, his minions held another adhesive strip in my trajectory. My momentum carrying me to it, I had inadvertently sealed up my own nose with the damn thing. 

I once again felt his crooked fingers running over my cheeks and nose to smooth out the strip and ensuring an air tight seal. It's incredible what the sudden lack of oxygen will do to quell my anger. All I could do was fall over to the ground struggling against my bindings, desperately trying to get a hand free to undo the wrappings on my face. I couldn't breathe! Each attempt to deeply inhale made the strips feel like vices tightening on my face. As I heard my heart continue to race, within a blink everything had changed colors, everything was out of focus in an almost abstract way. 

The mushroom's effects had kicked in.



"It's tea time, Alice!" I heard approaching me as I knelt there, contemplating my next move. In actuality, I had managed to swipe the keys to my shackles but had to conceal my intentions with the sudden arrival of the Hatter. I knelt there, head hanging, conveying defeat to mask my ulterior motive. He stood over me quizzical, with a finger on his chin, like he knew something was off. Nonchalantly, he wound his torso past me to inspect my bound wrists, and he somehow knew! He pried my balled up open fists to take his key. He stood back and held the key in front of his face and then turned his sights on me, clearly nervous and distressed that my plan was foiled.

"Oh sneaky, sneaky Alice. Never mind this. It's Tea Time!" I was shocked at his dismissive attitude towards my attempt to escape his clutches. He snapped is finger and suddenly, my head was jerked back and jaw held open, by his servants. His unhinged face was almost instantly nose to nose with mine. The Hatter placed the key in my mouth carefully and his goons, forcefully equipped me with an extremely tight fighting corset over my neck and mouth. I've never seen one implemented in such a way before. Cinched up, excruciatingly tight, I was gagged very effectively. It held my jaw up clinched in place. Exactly like a brace.

The madman chortled, "So you want to escape your fate?! Go ahead! It's right there, sealed up in your mouth!! All you have to do is take it out!!!" A menacing cackle tore through the air. He relished in the torture of me knowing escape is so close but yet so far. His innovations for bondage did not stop there, however. He plugged the hole over the mouth of the corsetgag with a tube and feeling it go down the back of my throat made my eyes grow wide.  Like a magician seemingly conjuring an object from thin air, the Hatter took a bottle out from behind him. He fastened it to the open end of the tube and made sure I could see what it was.

With three Zeds on the yellowed label, it was clearly tea he laced with tranquilizers and powerful sedatives. "NMMM NMMMPH!!!" was all I could make out through the restrictive corset. As he lifted the bottle up to begin my sedation, through my own defiance and protest, I heard him: "Do try to not swallow the key to your freedom, sweet one..." I felt the lukewarm and bittersweet liquid forcefully fill up my mouth, while trying to secure the key under my tongue. I held off of swallowing a drop as long as I could. It was no use. The concoction eventually made its way down my throat and not long after, my body, as well as my eyelids became heavy. I fell to my side, on the soft bright pink grass. Feeling the warm glow of the sun on my cheek, as it's rays illuminated my vision red through my closed eyelids. I didn't even feel like tugging on my bindings anymore. Tied up securely in a ball. Sounds are fading.

The Hatter faintly heard in and out of consciousness, "Sleep... Now... Alice." 

Yes, I'll go to sleep now. Sleep.



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