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Hey all and welcome back! All maintenance and processing are settled for the month. Here is a finished piece I finally got around to, requested by my wife last summer when we were binging one of our favorite reality shows, Face/Off. She's a huge fan of the artist named Emily Serpico, a very talented VFX artist and we had her pair up with Jam for a challenge. If you haven't seen the show I'd recommend it, it's on Peacock, lol.

The other WIPs are a personal piece I started last month with Jam on a throne of super babes, commission for WarioNumberOne and Sure_Comma_Knot, respectively. This month's OO Tier request is EerierAlloy and they requested a suspended mummification piece of Valorant's Deadlock.

As for the poll, at the time of writing this, it's a 3-way tie so there will be a tie breaker poll, I'll put up tomorrow. For my standard commission queue, it's busy once more and extended through to late July. Message me for any inquiries regarding that.

I'm still weighing out the costs, tax routes, and a few legal things contingent on the on-going crackdown of NSFW material. There are no immediate changes at the moment. I'll keep everyone in the loop of any major changes.



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