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 As you may remember, my intentions were to organize the work of my page on the Patron. At the moment, I have made some changes to the payment categories. In the future, I will try to stick to these categories, and add new content accordingly. And now, here, on this page, really exclusive things will appear that will not appear in my other social networks. Of course, I would like to give all the drawings for free, but it seems to me that this is unfair to the guys who have been supporting me financially for several years. People who take care of me and my work with their work are worthy of awards! As much as my strength will allow =)) 

And also, I want to ask you to express your opinion and suggestions. This is a new experience for me, and I hope that together we will find the most satisfactory way of interaction =)

Горячие новости. Изменения в ведении страницы.      

Как вы должно быть помните, мои намерения были упорядочить работу своей страницы на Патреон. На данный момент я внес некоторые изменения в категории платежей. И впредь постараюсь придерживаться этих категорий, и добавлять новый контент соответственно им. И теперь, здесь, на этой странице будут появляться действительно эксклюзивные вещи, которые не появятся в моих других соцсетях. Я крнечно хотел бы отдавать все рисунки бесплатно, но как мне кажется, это не справедливо по отношению к ребятам, поддерживающим меня денежно уже несколько лет. Люди, проявляющие заботу обо мне, и моем творчестве делом, достойны наград! Настолько, насколько позволят мои силы =))    

И еще, хочу попросить вас высказывать свое мнение, и предложения. Для меня это новый опыт, и я надеюсь сообща мы найдем максимально удовлетворительный способ взаимодействия =)




that's a bit complicated. Cause as an artist, you get more money if people know you, and one of the good way is just to advertize yourself and show around your stuff So, refrening you to post your work can be actually bad at some extent. What i did personaly is to say that my art are exclusive to patreon for a period, and that some content (like wip) are too, exclusive for patreon for the most part. That is my way to do tough, and in the end you'll have to make it your way. But i wouldn't mind seeing you do something like that. I support you to support you and let you make more art. =)


Thank you for your words of support! This is important to me =) It is important for me to reach such a level that I could be engaged in my projects all the time. I work during the day in the studio, on a project that takes up little of my thoughts. But the forces are spent. And I can only draw in my free time. This is not enough for me. It turns out for a long time, and it's scary to take on large projects at all.