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 Here is one of those cases when I do not really understand the term in a sexual context. Villains - I assume this is domination with disguise, in the image of a villain. The search engine, for the word villains, gave out Disney characters, and given that one of the villains was played by Angelina Jolie, I had absolutely no desire to refuse this option. =) And which villain would you choose?

Вот один из тех случаев когда я не очень понимаю термин в сексуальном контексте. Злодеи - я предполагаю это доминация с переодеванием, в образе злодея. Поисковик, на слово злодеи выдал диснеевских персонаже, а учитывая что одну из злодеек играла Анжелина Джоли, у меня не было решительно ни какого желания отказываться от этого варианта. =)   А вы какого злодея выбрали бы?




Somehow Angelina Jolie doesn't strike me as a villain.. She is good.. I would've chose Cruella, for all of her feminazi stuff


Oh, I haven't seen this movie yet. I like Emma Stone, a groovy girl! And what, a good movie, or it was loaded with all sorts of new-fangled things - a strong woman just because, and all the men around are clinical idiots, so that you can see what a cool girl? =)