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The company Capcom began to tighten the screws on all sorts of frivolous fanservice on their products. They say they do not approve of such liberties in these not easy tolerant times. Such a radical change of position pissed off artists and moddlers. There was an offer to speak with one voice, under one hashtag. =))



Компания Сapcom начала закручивать гайки в отношении всякого фривольного фансервиса на их продукты. Дескать не одобряют таких вольностей в это не простое толерантное время. Такая радикальная смена позиции покоробила художников и мододелов. Поступило предложение выступить единым фронтом, под едиными хештегами. =))




Soon they ll start to say that we shouldn't draw the Orphanage girl from Yakuza in lewd stuff D=< (joking(just in case a moderator pass by and don't understand what is irony))


This will serve me like a red rag to a bull! I'll start painting her right away, with dicks in all her orifices!!!