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Good evening. 

Loooong post incoming.

1. 0.6 State

2. My current situation *updated*

3.  Summer's Gone

4. Monthly wallpapers

5. The remake

6. New Helen

0.6 state

In the last few days, I wasn't able to work on it. For the first time in my life, I got food poisoning. 10/10 would do it again. I still feel somehow "weak." but at least the headache that came to the dehydration is gone. 

I can look at a monitor again without the feeling of my eyes popping out. 

I've rendered around 80 images yet and I made the decision to do Quality > Quantity. This means no more 2100+ image update until I can do them in high quality within a reasonable time (max 2 months).

I keep you guys updated and the first previews will come soon. 

My current situation *updated*

I told you guys about the health insurance debt I have to pay. I managed to get it down to "only" 9 months of back pay. This means I have to pay a little less. 

And as I told you guys, I had to get another job because of that which I have now. It's only 3 times a week and it won't consume "developer time" but it will stress my mental state. And I hope I will be able to quit it in 9 months at the latest. 

Summer's Gone

Summer's what?" Summer's Gone is a game from a real-life friend. Some of you might know it. It launched in May 2019 and hasn't been updated yet. I promised him to help him render when I was working on 0.5. Which I did. 

I was there when he wrote the story for Summer's Gone and I influenced it too. "Where it all began" & "Summer's Gone" play in the same universe. 

But we came to the conclusion that it would be better that I join him as a dev. And I liked that very much. At the moment I am getting 75% of the revenue of the game. (It's not much.) Because his time schedule is busy as hell and I'm working on it atm too. 

Just to be clear, WIAB is my number 1 priority!  

The release of Summer's Gone Chapter 2 is near. I will give you guys the game on release, too. 

Here are some previews from the upcoming Chapter 2 if interested.

And one that even the actual supporters haven't seen yet.

These renders were done by me.

I personally wouldn't start another game when I haven't even finished the first one. But I'm not alone in this and he's a dear friend of mine and it's nice to not see the same faces in DAZ over and over again. Kinda makes it exciting again.

His Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/Regium 

Monthly wallpapers.

Yesterday(?) I published 31+4 Wallpapers and it took me much longer than I had expected. I will do them every two months now. At least until I can afford a more powerful PC. 

If you haven't seen them yet, here are two NON-NTR examples.

The remake

As y'all know I plan on remaking the first 3-4 versions of the game. When I started over a year ago I just installed DAZ and started working on WIAB. Learning by doing. 

When the game launched, I had no idea where the story should really go. It wasn't until 0.5 I decided where the story should go and end. I wrote most of the main events and I had to make a decision. 

What is "Where it all began"? 

It isn't an Adult game. It's a story-driven game with adult elements. The remake will also change some background story elements. Like dates, years, etc. I will enhance and animate every sex scene that wasn't animated before. The dialogue will be enhanced, too. 

I don't like it when devs rework their game and stop posting new content. Like if I would postpone 0.6 to after the rework which would take months. 

So someday in the future, I will release the reworked version together with an update. (With 0.7 to 0.9.) 

Here are 2 previews of the new beginning in comparison.



New Helen

Speaking of reworks. I have changed Helen.  I enhanced certain parts. (Especially her face, her skin in general, ass & boobs.) 

Helen from 0.5

New Helen

I hope you like her.

If you guys have questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask.

Have a great day!

- Ocean




Would totally be into summers gone if it added ntr.


Glad to hear you're okay now. I don't know what to think about you deciding to start a new game before finishing WIAB. I generally have trust issues with devs that do this kind of thing. And by what I've read of the new game, it isn't to my tastes since I hate incest (I avoid all incest on WIAB and I play without the incest patch). But I'm aware of your financial situation, so I can kind of get your point. I'm worried about WIAB's future. I guess we'll see how things work for it on the next months. I enjoyed the wallpapers idea. I was looking forward to the NTR ones, but the "passed out" characters aren't exactly my ideal scenario, but they were beautiful nonetheless. Good work.


Well, I didn't start a new game. I just joined him but I know what you mean. Totally understandable. I wouldn't start a second game on my own without the help of another dev. It's just too much work alone and till WIAB is completed, it will be my main priority. You don't have to be worried. The only thing that could keep me from developing WIAB would be a huge debt (that I gained through WIAB) or death. And death is much more likely. Yea, I liked doing these Wallpapers, too. But monthly isn't possible, they take too long with my current equipment.


All my games will feature NTR. Not because it's a fetish I eagerly want in my game but because it's realistic. I don't see the point to make a choice-based game if you can't have some real consequences. And not just "losing the chance to fuck a girl." And it will always be avoidable through a button that can turn it on/off. And even if it's turned on, you can still avoid it.


Rework looks amazing. 😍 I don’t generally say a lot. So on that note keep up the good work👍


I completely agree, I feel when used properly NTR can boost the players engagement in choice based games by giving them a sense of crisis, they now have something to lose and a reason to be a bit more "cautious😉 " with their decisions. Also loving Helens new look, definitely a Milf of the highest quality.


Everything here is fine, except Helens ass implants. Not sure why you'd go that direction, it looks really strange.


I did like the natural milf look you had going for Helen, I hope its just the picture like that!