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I would like to provide another commission tier because the wizard slots are full so heres the idea                                                                                                                                                                     -Warlock tier 7.50$, you get a $7 discount on all commissions when im open, and ill randomly select 1 person randomly each month probably at the end of the first week of the month to get a free of charge commission!                                                                                        does this sound like a good idea to all you guys? let me know if you have any questions!



Sounds awesome!


I’d mostly be concerned with how it would effect your workload. You would be doing 6 commission pieces per month on top of your ongoing comics. If you wanted you could heighten restrictions on this sort of lottery commission by limiting it to a single figure/character, or making it a black and white piece. I think the problem with leaving this sort of decision to vote is that people will vote from the perspective of a consumer, not an artist. Ultimately you know best about what you can handle, so it’s up to your judgement. I have a feeling though that some people might be waiting until the start of the next month to become a patron so they can get the most value out of their pledge, so you might want to wait until next month to see what the situation is before deciding on changes.


Let me know if the new tier is up. I'll gladly switch to it


Thank you for the very thoughtful feedback dude! i think its something i can handle, i understand your concern though im just trying out new stuff for the patreon if it doesn't work out ill remove the tier but i think i can give it a couple months.

Dad Bandicoot

If it happens (or if other spots open in the other tiers) I'd gladly up my pledge ^^