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Hello hello and wow, a large welcome and awkwardly long hug goes out to our newest recruits, Eryn, Megan, Raleigh, Adrienne, Sonva, Yanet, Ashley E, ADerek, Pitaya, and Ashley G! I don't mean to gush, but I am just so grateful to have everyone on board, you have no idea. After telling my former boss I was expecting a baby and his informally requesting I jog on after having worked for him for six years, it was really scary to try and depend on art stuff to meet bills and I truly could not do it without all of you.

Which is why I am especially excited to announce that those monstrous tier stickers are finally getting printed and will be on their way by the end of this month! If you do not have an address in your profile, I BEG OF YOU to message me with some address you trust so I can send you some good stuff. If you are a member of the Secret Smut Society and you do not currently have a safe place to receive smutty content, I will happily send you PG material, just say the word. Above all, I want you to get your rewards for being a part of our wacky little society because I appreciate you all so much.

I have not forgotten the requests I've received for bonus art as well! Maybe I can combine a few and do that Lily Munster pinup PLUS the tattoos? How do we vote?

What's everyone dressing as for Halloween?



Uncle Fester! Group Adams Family costume at work.

Charles Oppermann

Girlfriend and I are going as Barbie-Oppenheimer