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I finally got my bum in gear and selected a few pieces that have line art worthy of coloring pages. I don't have quite enough for a full on coloring book yet, since these days folks like much more detailed stuff than what my lazy ass tends to do, but a friend prompted me to sell digital downloads of them on Etsy which is apparently a thing.

Meanwhile, you lovely folks get them for free! I have set up a Dropbox folder just for things I want to share with my beloved Patrons, so that is as follows: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/br9mn7dmrdqll59/AAC-hTifE05qo87EgUwIbZsfa?dl=0

Boy I wish I could make that link look less insane, but there you go. If you follow that, large versions of the line art will be available for you to download as a printable file and then you can color away!

I hope you enjoy! 

I also have a small video coming with the step by step process for making shrunken heads - the gourd kind, not the kind from a real human, although I am vaguely familiar with that process. So look forward to that.

Who's excited for Halloween? What are doing, bestie?





LOVE THIS! (You can use tinyurl.com to create smaller, less-insane links if you need to btw.)

Kit Fox

Thank you for that! I need to get my social mediaz into this century.