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Edit: Uploaded a slightly different bit of dialogue for Kirik, hopefully it's smoother now.

At last here it is, the final page! This has been such a fun issue and I have so enjoyed sharing it with you. Any thoughts? I long for your words!

Remember that every current Patron will get their names in the printed version of this so tell everyone you know!




Uh oh... Were we not supposed to be rooting for Yi 😅(pun intended lmao)

Kit Fox

Oh yes totally root for Yi! Kirik is the not so good guy. Ooops, should I change the text to make that more clear?


Oh whoops! I think I just gave Kirik more credit than he was due, I assumed he was keeping Yi away for, like, a misguided sense of the greater good, and now with Yi planted again Bad Things will happen to everyone (not just him)

Kit Fox

So you’ve actually got it quite right, he is trying to do good in his morally bankrupt way, and having inmates go missing will indeed bring Trouble - but also freeing prisoners is good! Seems like you have his character figured out!