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Heya, friends and neighbors! Most of you have been helping support me for a long while, and I am so very grateful to have you. I also understand that times are hard for people lately, and more than one of you has had to leave, or pledge a bit less, and I want to make sure everyone knows how happy I've been just to have you along, however long it can be.

Since I have had some newer folks making a pledge, then viewing all the patron-only smut content before retracting their pledge and claiming they were charged, I have changed my settings. This will not effect those of you who are already signed up, but it will charge new patrons as soon as they sign up instead of the first of the month. Hopefully this will prevent misunderstandings.

What I really want is to give you folks things that will make you happy. I would like to be able to provide more content that makes you feel like you signed up for something special. For those of you who like monsters and gals doing the naked pretzel, this is not as much of a challenge, but my regular art doesn't feel like enough of a prize, and I am stumped as to how to pay you back for your support.

Gift packs are in the mail, and I am very much open to requests. How are you? What did you eat today? What are you excited about?



Today I'm excited because it's payday, and even though I gotta get the bills paid first I'm hoping I have enough left over that I can pick up some crafting supplies! I'm making a gem tree for a good friend of mine and I need more metal wire and super glue 😁


Aw man, you had some sneak, peek & runs, huh? That was the first advice I got when starting a Patreon, to charge patrons as soon as they sign up. $2 for tasty monster smut is pretty damn good! I love seeing your comic pages and the progress of your pieces. WIPs are really cool! And frankly your regular art is PLENTY good prize. Today has just started for me, but I cracked open a cold lilikoi lychee juice and I'm about to draw while I watch M*A*S*H!

Kit Fox

Wooo payday! A gem tree sounds absolutely fascinating, and I would love to see it when you're done!

Kit Fox

I did, and one of them actually left a complaint to say they were overcharged and that the $1 tier didn't have material that was promised, but a) they were not charged and b) they were looking for smut, which is not on the $1 tier. Now that I've changed my settings I hope it won't happen again. And thank you! I really hope I'm being somewhat entertaining, but it's hard to tell. Lilikoi lychee juice sounds delish. Having recently watched all of M*A*S*H from beginning to end I can tell you, you were right to skip the last episode. It's just not good. Everything else is so superior.