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Aloha lovely friends and neighbors! I am so pleased to announce that a script for the next adventure of September Sparks is in the works! Below, I’ll share the (sooper rough) outline with you! Please enjoy, and let me know what you think!

After break-ins and thefts from Kirik’s museum, curiosity and press attention has spiked, much to Kirik’s annoyance. Attendance is at an all time high, as well as attention from nosy reporters, but there are no leads as to who the thief could be.

Kirik announces a fancypants event to unveil a new exhibit - tiniest mummy known to science. He reasons that the thief will not be able to resist taking it, and then he’ll catch him.

September wanders into the Sentients room and finds a strange pink tree, looks unhealthy. Tag reads Yi, planet of origin: Yi. She tries to talk but there is no response. When she touches the trunk, she feels pain.

She bumps into Kirik and asks about Yi and he tells her it is in fact sentient, and older than anything in the museum. He says it is hard to care for. September returns each day with a watering can, plant food, better light, etc. No response from tree. One day a leaf falls onto her face and she gets a flash of a pink planet cracking apart and the word “home”.

September and Valentine discuss taking Yi home but find that the planet is a dead rock, empty for years. September stubbornly persists, making a deal with Cocoa Carl, the gigantic gorilla mobster. She visits him in his abandoned circus tent and makes the deal for his crew to sneak into the museum during the mummy event and steal Yi while September distracts Kirik.

At the exhibition, Kirik is paranoid that everyone who looks at the mummy could be the thief. He snaps at reporters, happy couples, children. Three ghouls named Mr. Bell, Mr. Book, and Mr. Candle arrive, explaining that they represent the museum’s biggest investor, Mr. Stairs, who is growing concerned about his investment.

Evening ends and Kirik is frustrated at not catching thief, not knowing that Cocoa Carl has been upstairs stealing Yi the whole time. September says goodnight and runs off to meet with Carl.

Cocoa Carl attempts to steal Yi instead of making the deal with September. September beats the pants off of Cocoa Carl and his goons, grabs Yi, and heads to the planet. Valentine tries to tell her that it’s no use, the planet is still dead and can’t harbor life, but September feels like the tree is insisting on going home.

They reach the planet, plant the tree, and after a moment it starts to grow roots, leaves, shoot off other trees. The ground splits into rivers, more trees grow, clouds gather, bugs pop up, flowers, grass, birds - they realize the tree IS the planet.

Back at the museum, Kirik feels the disturbance - Yi has been restored. His phone rings, Mr. Stairs is on the phone.

There it is, folks!  Hope you enjoy!



Wonderfully evocative. I read this a week ago and I can't get the image of the forlorn pink tree bursting to life out of my mind. May we all find the home we thrive in, and may we all be a friend to the lost like September.