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I could not have gotten by this year without your support, and simply knowing you care enough about my art to be a part of its success is astounding to me. I wish I could come hug you all in person, and Pretzel wishes he could kiss you all in person, but we will have to settle for a symbolic gesture.

From those of you contributing big bucks every month, to my brave small bucks guys, I cannot stress enough how much you are my heroes, how every single dollar keeps me drawing and writing and making. THANK YOU!

I’m getting in touch with local makers to get this out to you, but in the meantime, here is a preview of what all patrons will get from me by the end of the year as thanks for your help...


All levels will get a vinyl sticker of this throwback raygun, and my $10 and up peeps will receive a lasercut wooden pin! (Never too late to join the club, new guys.) 

As ever, thank you from every fluffy inch of my marshmallow heart. You keep my lights on and my dog fed while I try to make my silly comics and monster art.