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Hello dear patrons! I'm still in the process of drawing rewards for some of you and mailing out for others, but I'm also working toward the new September Sparks comic, which I'm really excited about! I finally have a (sort of) well worded plot outline that I'm sharing only with you folks, as well as some sketches! These sketches will be exclusive for a good while but I'll eventually put them around to try and promote this little endeavor.

Of course if you want the new comic to be a surprise, don't look, but if you're curious, the bare bones of the outline are as follows.

September Sparks: Comic #2

* We leave off after September makes a deal with the Jumping Cactus Gang to break into Kirik Santanak's Museum of Intergalactic Wonders and liberate one of the sentient inmates.

* She and Valentine, her lizard butler, now must choose an inmate, research her home of origin, and find Santanak's records on where her next of kin might be. They settle on an Ampasidae, a mantislike creature.

* Santanak prepares for an auction where a rare item is up for bid, the Man'keh Skull (which September keeps calling Monkey Skull), which legend says grants its keeper one resurrection ("Or your money back?" September asks -- Santanak not amused). When he invites September along to better educate her on cultural matters, she uses it as an opportunity to get him away from the museum so the Cactus Gang can make the extraction.

* Gorilla Joe, leader of the gang (and not actually a gorilla, probably, we'll see) hears about the Man'keh Skull and decides to send a few of his people to break into the auction to grab it. September has to try to keep things calm and protect Santanak while also not revealing the fact that she's carrying weapons, which might look suspicious to her boss.

* Santanak easily disarms the crooks with a device that sends out a pulse and destroys their guns, even if all the guests have nosebleeds. "Amateurs," he says as the gang members are taken away. He drops September off and returns to the museum to find all his alarms blaring.

* September meets the gang, greets the creature, drives her to her homeworld to meet her loving sisters. On the way back she gets a call from Santanak. "Miss Sparks, I need you here at once. There's been a robbery."

"I'm on my way."


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