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I wanna share some of the things I did while designing Safi because I think the others were pretty solid designs as well. 

I had 3 designs with different vibes coming in. I had one thing in mind tho, her vibe needs to be dominating and you can feel the gap in power whether in physical power or status.

Initially, I didn't want the design to be in that medieval timeline to set myself apart from the other great gijinka artists. So for the first one, I did a modern design that has a bosslady/ceo look to it. Someone who would boss you around and you can't to anything about it.

The second design was more of an overwhelming physical presence. A one-woman army who strikes fear in the hearts of full armies. I didn't go with this one because I think this vibe would be more fit for a monster known for its brutality like Deviljho or Diablos.

And the last one, The Empress. A much more fitting moniker for Safi'jiiva. The fierce eyes, the fiery hair, even had some Xeno'jiiva nods with the sheer sleeves being the shedded Xeno skin. I felt like the design had more meat in it in terms of concept so it's what I went with.

Should I have went with the other designs or do you like the current one better?



Blue Kirby 64

To me the final design fits best. 1st design does look really good though. Maybe repurpose for the future???


I definitely want to make future gijinkas fit more in a modern setting. Imagine how much I can play around with the fashion of those guys 🙏 the medieval setting is kinda limiting tbh