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Gentle fist :(

Marcus Ballantyne

Hoo boy. This is getting deep. If she thought this was rough....oof. Man, I can't wait for the climax of this arc.


This has to be the most helpless fight I've ever seen a character be in. Really dark. Also Madison reacted more to Choji than Neji because I think Choji's story reflected her own personal challenges regarding rejection. With that being said I did think Choji's scene WAS sadder.

Helder Romero

I agree, Choji’s was sadder probably because one doesn’t or didn’t expect Neji to die. However, once he did I feel like it makes his death a bit more deeper…A BIT! Also, Madison’s reactions in this episode were funnier! You could feel her anger! And baris 😂😂😂😂 kunai to the face


This is always a rough episode

Darren Metts

That kimmimaru name drop tho


Looking back at this now I wonder how shino would did fighting this guy

J Richards

Yeah it's not as emotional as the Choji battle but it's way more technical. Showing the deferent ranges that Masashi can display a battle to the audience!


Man even knowing what's to come these episodes always hit hard. That's just good writing man.


When I see this episode again every few years it reminds me just how GOOD og Naruto was at delivering a side-character's story that hit every bit as hard as the main plot.


Menu’s death wasn’t too much of an impact compare to Choji due to just personality. Neji was more of “I know my path and the outcome” while Choji was more of what some people go through such as finding friends, doing your best and overall kindness.


I'm not sure why it won't let me watch these on my phone anymore. Never had an issue until like 5 or 6 episodes ago... Now they all freeze and won't play 30 seconds in. No issues on computer though.

Puripong Puhual

She has no clue. LOL shippuden will be the river of tears.