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Hello everyone!

First release for this month is a selection of different Ooze Cubes, slimy, gooey, gelatinous in nature if you will.  

While they don't cover EVERY theme, I think there is a pretty decent selection here, how many times have you seen a cosmic cube before? Exactly! 

Stainer of Karbon ($8 tier) gets all 10 tokens.

- Krane


Stainer of Karbon tier rewards 



Mordela Morana

Is it weird that I find these oozes cute XD


No, that's how they get you, they lure you in with their cuteness and then WHAM! You're being dissolved.

Anthony Iverson

I know this post is almost a year old, but I can't stop thinking that this is probably my favorite thing any dnd content artist has made. I keep thinking about making a underground slime mage who summons cubes to attack players, and i want to even make a class for player's to play if they should start a new character sometime after they defeat or befriend it, i'm just so excited about all this and i wanted to share my appreciation and excitement


haha that makes me really happy to hear, I feel like this set doesn't get much love in general. I thought it was a cool idea but I guess not that many people share that opinion XD Apart from you, which makes you cool :D Thank you!