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started sketching the base image of the in -progress transformation shot.

The complete drone though should it be faceless with just a diamond where the face would be? Or a face with a blank expression? Or maybe eyes that look like diamonds like the King of Diamond's face?

Or you guys have another suggestion that might work better?




I’m not as creative as you, I’m just so happy to see teh wolfie boi. Ok maybe happier that he is all pent up XD

Dante Lamont

I think having a diamond design on a blank face would be perfecto. Helps to solidify that drone aspect.


Diamond Design on blank face sells the drone look-! Also, you work really fast.. ! 👀👌🏻


the sketch phase tends to be quick, it's the work-up to the final coloured, shaded and background that take time :)


Honestly like the eyes that look like diamond option. I kinda like to see a drone that shows who they were, but the other options sound good too!


Either way, I'm super duper excited! Please keep up the good work! ' w '

沈 丹旭

So much the better if you can have a diamond evil moustache

Alex Roche

I like the idea of a suit symbol covering his face, but what if he took on a jestery/Joker theme? Or in some way incorporating the 4 suits into the final design, like a heart on his chest or one over each nipple, a club on his crotch.