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is tHIS THING ON?.... oh


This month we'll have a new EYS page, patreon commishes and some extra content for the  hors lovers! :3

I'm also finishing some details for the first demo of 'Beyond Friendship' and yeah: you'll get access to play it before we open an exclusive patreon for that project! (in case you want to support it ;3) the playable demo should be finished at some point of the next week.

Also we'll have a new Dev Diary, this time it will be focused on the main character (REIK') and his character design!

Finally we have the winner of the monthly character poll: M'Ress!

Yeah i never thought it was possible for her to win XD. 

Well, i wish you an excellent weekend! and thank you for reading!

P.S: Reminder that it is always a good idea to connect your Patreon account to discord this way you can get access to the chat and extra content... and some memes! :o



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