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Hey everyone! <3 I would like to announce that you can now see the updates and WIPs/sketches on the discord server, this is part of the $10 tier.


Remember to link your patreon account to discord app in order to receive your full rewards, if you dont know how to connect to discord app, here's a link that may help you: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-


I'll be working on the voted pic of this month after finishing the pending patreon commissions, poll results can be seen here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JKvJtOgaPsWnpbison-ahy_p10t7pJS8


Finally; i'll try to start working on a lil animation for this month ;)

Thanks for your time! <3



Ooh, any word what you're planning for the animation? ;o


so this means you're gonna be posting less here? i'm tired of running after several pages just to find the stuff that should be here

SugarlessPaints (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 01:46:37 Hi! &lt;3 Dont worry!, ill keep posting the finished stuff, sketches, polls and more here on patreon, i have to use Google drive because some content cannot be posted here (community guidelines) also G-drive lets me share bigger files without quality loss. Discord app will allow me to share with you the progress of my current projects and recent sketches/ideas without spamming the main patreon page. I hope you understand the reasons behind this choice :)
2018-11-05 09:04:01 Hi! <3 Dont worry!, ill keep posting the finished stuff, sketches, polls and more here on patreon, i have to use Google drive because some content cannot be posted here (community guidelines) also G-drive lets me share bigger files without quality loss. Discord app will allow me to share with you the progress of my current projects and recent sketches/ideas without spamming the main patreon page. I hope you understand the reasons behind this choice :)

Hi! <3 Dont worry!, ill keep posting the finished stuff, sketches, polls and more here on patreon, i have to use Google drive because some content cannot be posted here (community guidelines) also G-drive lets me share bigger files without quality loss. Discord app will allow me to share with you the progress of my current projects and recent sketches/ideas without spamming the main patreon page. I hope you understand the reasons behind this choice :)