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"The Griffopatomus" 

We are told that the Hippogriff is a legendary creature with the front half of an eagle and the hind half of a horse. But this a creature of pure fiction. When tellers of tales and travelers from far off places shared accounts of this mythical winged creature, something was lost in translation. The legends got it all wrong. Today we are setting the record straight about these magnificent creatures. What they actually looked like, their enormous bulk and shocking teeth, how they travelled in their great seasonal migrations, and how their mere landings could shake the ground and collapsed nearby buildings. How in their day, they were feared more than lions, and more than dragons by anyone who had lived to tell of them. Intensely territorial and combative, their own internal battles could be heard for miles. A traveller who happened to wander into their territory would likely be gored, trampled, bitten, and dropped from a great height, all before being sat upon and crushed into atoms. And that is if they were lucky.  Today, with the benefit of modern science, we can now create the real mythological creature that the ancients have long misidentified!  

Your job today, is to join in, draw some fat folds and feathers with me, and create your own take on the mythical griffopatomus, to help set the record straight on what these creatures actually looked like!

The SHOW starts today at 10AM EST on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/justingerardillustration I will be designing my version live until 12:00 Noon, after which we will be checking out the community entries!

AWARDS: We are keeping this event very casual for the rest of the season, so no awards this month. We will still be going through and sharing everyone's entries at the end of the show!

*Remember you can upload yours to the community !discord or you can hashtag this one as #LETSDRAWMONSTERS22 on Instagram. The challenge is 2.5 hours to do a drawing of the above prompt. I will be checking both at the end of the stream and sharing all the entries with everyone live!

Good luck everyone!



Nicolò Rigobello

aaaaaah, come on!!! That's so cool. I have a lot of drawings to finish and I can't join the challenge but I will join the stream.

Andrea Survis

Are we drawing a cousin of the pheldagriff??? One of my favorite mtg cards.