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Welcome to August! This month we are going to be focusing on new work for DragonCon, which is happening September 5 in Atlanta, GA! And I am NOT READY for the show!! The plan this month is to do a lot of new original artwork for DragonCon, and share it with you guys here throughout the month. We will have a few monsters, some randoms, a few oils that are *almost* dry,  and then a number of new images from A Plague of Dragons. It should be a busy month here! 

Next, I'd like to say a special thanks to you guys! We did really well on here last month, so well in fact that I was able to go out and get a really nice new overhead camera for doing videos! I really enjoyed last month's Mummy Minotaur video, (and the response was awesome!) but that was captured on my phone, the new camera should offer much sharper and clearer videos. My plan is to start sharing more regular video content like that going forward, with the goal of moving into livestreaming with you guys and eventually video tutorials. Thank you guys again support!

Next, I've done a slight overhaul of the design here and tweaked some of the reward descriptions to be clearer. I've also added a new reward to the Monster of the Month tier: Everyone subbed there now have access to a code for a 10% discount on ALL ORIGINAL ART on gallerygerard.com.  I've reworked the SECRET CODES page to reflect this. I also fixed a number of odd broken links and wordiness. Lastly, I am temporarily pausing the Vile Trickery posts. They will come back, but hopefully as videos once I've got this camera thing worked out. If you see any broken links or anything looks crazy, please message me!

Finally, August Mentorships are now live! 

Right now we have the following spots available:

  • Wednesday, August 7
  • Friday, August  9
  • Monday, August 12

Due to the impending DragonCon Panic, Sign-ups will be closing early on August 5th! So if you are interested in a spot grab it soon! 

I'm looking forward to hanging out with you guys this month!


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